Breast Cancer Ribbon

Flashback 02: Modified Radical Mastectomy ( June 21,2012 )

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I rushed back to the Philippines and left my husband and two sons in Macau and only my three daughters were with me to take care of coordination, instructions of doctors, lab exams and clearance. I went to my OB-Gyne to consult her about the findings. She found me a surgeon to do the MRM in St. Lukes Medical Hospital. Exactly 16 days after the biopsy, I underwent the MRM surgery.

I checked in the hospital a day before the morning surgery. I was wheeled in to the operating room at 8am and brought back to my room at 4 pm. The operation went smoothly, thanks to my very good surgeon.

After a couple of days, I was able to go home after the drain tube was taken out. This means that there is no more internal bleeding in the wound. My surgeon said my wound looked good, no bruises. I was released and went back after a week for my histopath and further tests.

To be continued....


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