My first AC chemotheraphy was given August 6, 2012. My blood test results were okay to proceed. I was given via dextrose two medicines to counter side effects then the A then the C. Nothing painful during the process except the wasabi feeling in my sinuses when the C was given. Other than that i was able to go home after the session.
The first week i suffered from endless burping and frequent trips to the toilet. Felt weird at times but nothing i can not bear. I forced myself to eat and drink even though i wasn't feeling well. After a week things become more bearable but i still felt weak. Then on the third week, i thought i was feeling better but my blood test failed. My Wbc was way too low and we needed to postpone the next session to another week.
After a week i had another blood test and this time it passed so we proceeded with the 2nd AC on September 3, 2012, by this time i have lost almost all my hair already. My nail started to have black spots. I started to take Transfer Factor to help my immune system some more.
Then a week after my 2nd AC chemo i suffered from skin infection. I had to go to a dermatologist who gave me antibiotics and two creams to apply on the eruptions. In three days the medicine worked. Then suddenly i had my period again, my last was June 2012.
Even with these i was able to get a go for my 3rd AC on September 24, 2012. Then had same cycle of ups and downs then the fourth AC on October 15, 2012. Wow, by God's grace and mercy, i was halfway already!!!
I was so blessed being with my loved ones during these sessions. The support that my family has given me have more than inspired me to fight for my life. To try all means so i could still be with them longer. I still need to see my son get over his crisis. I still need to see my five year old son go thru school. I still have so many many many things to do. I need so much more time to do things for my family. It's not yet time to give up. I believe God still has plans for me so i will continue to fight the good fight....
Flaskback 04 : AC Chemotheraphy
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- 6th Chemo
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- Blood test before 6th Chemo...
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- 4 days after Taxotere
- Flaskback 04 : AC Chemotheraphy
- Flashback 03 : Recovery period after MRM
- Day after my first taxotere chemotheraphy
- The 5th Chemotheraphy ( 1st Taxotere ) November 5,...
- Flashback 02: Modified Radical Mastectomy ( June 2...
- Flashback: The Start - Biopsy ( June 5, 2012)
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- My eldest is engaged!
Jack, I believe it should be 2012 instead of 2013.