Breast Cancer Ribbon

4 days after Taxotere

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Last night, i had to take the med my onco gave me to help me sleep. Today i have tiny pains all over my body that tingles every now and then. It's kinda like the feeling of coming down with a flu. I can eat well despite my mouth a little sore and experiencing painful heart burn.

I am sad because i don't feel well or maybe i don't feel well because i am sad. Either way, it's not a good day for me.

As far as i know, i am able to tolerate pain well. Actually i just get over it by thinking ahead on how good it can be after. I have done this many times before. Whenever i am about to give birth, i dread having labor pains but i just help myself by thinking how good the feeling of hugging my baby after. I have done that five times already and it worked!

Now these bad feelings are putting my spirits down but i know this will all come to pass and i just need to hang on. Looking forward to 2013....


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