Breast Cancer Ribbon

Archive for May 2013

Mothers' Day

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Yesterday was Mothers' Day. I was able to just call and text my mother who is in the Philippines. I wanted to hug her to thank her for the many things she had done for me. Also even for those that she did not do. She is my pillar of strength. Knowing all the challenges she had to face raising us up, her five children. We are all imperfect people but by the grace of God, we are able to overcome all our challenges.

I also have five children to raise up and it is not an easy task but we have all the love we need to face up to our challenges. Being a Mom, I always want the best for my children. No one can be a supermom to be able to give all that she wants for her children, no matter how hard you try to be.

After my diagnosis, i became half the mom i wanted to be. I didn't have the strength and proper disposition anymore. I am lucky my whole family supported me all the way. Today, i have started to feel I am regaining my strength. It is slow but i still need to be around for my husband and my children especially my 6 year old boy!

I am clear as of the moment but i will need to be always alert of all things i do, especially the food i eat. My children have adjusted well to the healthier diet and i am so grateful for that. My husband is also trying to adopt to it but he is the last one breaking rules every now and then.

With all that i have been thru, i can't really help it but be very insistent on healthy ways. Life is too short to not consciously take care of everyone's health.

My children and my husband made mothers' day worth the sacrifices, the pains and all the body aches i had to go thru just to still be here with them. Life is good!



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My 5th child had turned 6 years old and i am so proud of him. We had a birthday cake and simple celebration in his classroom at TIS. He was very happy to share his yummy cake to all his classmates and teachers. They all loved the cake and had to limit the kids to two servings or they will have tummy ache, as their teacher said.

My son wanted to be the one to give paper plates and fork to his classmates. It showed to me his 'sharing' heart and how much he loves all his classmates. In fact he told us that he wants to marry one of the pretty girls!


My Hair

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It is officially 100% growing back already! My back hair seems to grow faster, at this point in time, it is 3 centimeters long while the front is only 2 centimeters. Some white hairs showing but generally black and thick as before. I will have pixie look by July, just in time for my planned travels!!!

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