I woke up early again so i could be ahead of the boys. After taking them to school and dropping my husband to work i parked the car at the condo then rode the bus to Kiang Wu. I was just on time and was called in at 10am and was done by 10:19, so the procedure was less than 20 minutes! It was my first radiation therapy and this will be every weekday until April 10, 2013 ( 25 sessions total )
I got back home by bus then had a sandwich at McDo then rode bus again to the Santeng Hospital for my appointment with the derma at 12 noon. I was called in and checked up and done by 12:40. I then rode the bus back home. It is so good that these buses have their terminal just at the back of our condo. It's a real blessing!
After resting for a few minutes, i had to drive again to fetch my sons from school. We had to drive around so my son can take pictures for his CTS subject, then had an hour rest then fetched my husband. Had dinner at home then took my husband to the airport.
I was able to do so many things though i still feel some pains especially on my legs and left arm. My left arm has the 'ngawit' ache while my legs felt tired especially in the afternoon.
I miss my strength pre - Modified Radical Mastectomy period. Now I get so tired easily and my legs are always so weak. I hope to regain everything soonest, in God's time...
My first radiation therapy
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