Breast Cancer Ribbon

A Thursday

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Cool day with a little sunshine in Macau. Yesterday i received a call but the one calling doesn't speak english. It should be the hospital calling to tell me about my appointment with the radiologist. In my mind an english speaking person should call me back and they did! So i will need to pick up my appointment paper at the hospital and she told me to just bring my Macau ID to get my appointment paper for my radiation therapy.

The past week i have been busy with long lost friends' visits. I had friends from Australia then now from Geneva Switzerland. Thanks to facebook we were able to get in touch after a long time of separation. Our worlds have been reconnected. We have had shared moments together now enough to keep our friendship alive. We will continue to be facebook friends in the meantime until we meet up personally again.

I still feel soreness of my feet and at times some sort of numbness, sometimes tingling pains or twitching eyelids and painful muscles but i could say there is improvement everyday. My big toenails turned black but slowly growing back normal. My hair is growing back but I will need to measure the speed of my hair growth so i can predict when i could stop covering my head! Hopefully by july i could be ready so i can start my planned travels!! Can't wait to visit all my family and friends in the Philippines and all over the world!


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