Today i am okay except for my 'metallic' taste buds ( all food taste a little different ). I have no dizziness and just very minor joint pains.
When i feel good, i try to sustain it by doing ( also drinking and eating ) the same so that it is kept that way. Yesterday we went to hongkong to get my transfer factor supplements but the AHCC ( now finished !! ) still has to be mailed. I get insecure and nervous because my feeling good state might dissipate. I attribute to my supplements my being better!
I have this black line on my left middle finger nail ( see picture ). They say the nails, hair and gums are also affected because they are fast dividing cells. That is why these black lines, hair loss and 'metallic taste' or sometimes mouthsores are happening.
They also say that everything will be back to normal when chemo is done. I am now 75% over, so i am on the home stretch already, 6 down, two to go!
Another day..
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