Breast Cancer Ribbon

Archive for October 2013

My Physical Therapy

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Last October 4, i had my routine blood test and on october 7, i met with my oncologist for my semi annual checkup. He was happy to tell me that i am in remission. I told him about pains on my left hand that seems to radiate to my neck and my back. He said i need to see a physical therapist and that the pain is due to the operation and not any metastasis. I went to the hospital to get appointment with a therapist but they are giving me schedule for next year and i couldn't wait that long anymore as my left hand seems to get worse with every movement i do.

Yesterday i met with my private lady physical therapist for a third time. I had made great improvement already from where i started, but as she said it will take time to get back strength of my left hand

After reading the following article, i now understand what is happening to me, its called fibromyalgia. 

The way my therapist explained to me my condition, helped me a lot to drive off my fears about the pains and reading the above article explains also the solutions and cure. 

Massage, exercise, healthy diet and a good disposition always. That's what i need!! Haaah, life is simple, relax...

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